Gluten Free – Meat Sauce & Spinach Pasta


Gluten Free – Meat Sauce & Spinach Layered Pasta

1 pound ground beef, browned

2 cans diced tomatoes, about 15 ounces

1 can tomato sauce, about 15 ounces

1 tablespoon of each: basil, oregano, Italian season, garlic powder, onion powder

3 tablespoons olive oil

8 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese

1 package gluten free lasagna oven ready pasta, about 10 ounces

1 package frozen spinach, about 10 ounces, thawed and liquid squeezed out

Salt and Pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in a pot EXCEPT mozzarella, pasta, and spinach, cook on medium heat, Stir frequently, until all is blended and incorporated together, about 30 minutes or more

Spray a 13×9 pan with cooking spray

Place a layer of pasta on bottom of the, then half meat sauce and spread out half the spinach and shredded cheese, repeat the second layer and end with the shredded cheese on top.

Bake @ 325 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Cut into squares and serve with your favorite grated cheese.

*Make sure to choose Gluten Free ingredients to make it gluten free.