Decoration Day - Picnics and Brownies

 Decoration Day or what is now called Memorial Day remembering all of the men and women who have died serving our country in the military… Picnics with hot dogs hamburgers, apple pie, and Brownies!

As I grew up I realized Memorial Day was celebrated by remembering all of the men and women who had died serving our country in the military…

Memorial Day, was originally called Decoration Day, a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America.  As a child I remember my Grandparents calling Memorial Day, Decoration Day.   

I asked; “Why is today called Decoration Day? “, it was explained to me, this is the day we remember all of our past loved ones and we go to the cemetery to place flowers on their graves.  We would stop on our way to purchase big bouquets of fresh flowers, after reaching the cemeteries we would visit each and every grave of past love ones to place flowers, reminiscing about each person.  I say cemeteries because I do remember going to at least two…

Memorial Day became an official federal holiday in 1971.