Oat Flour Pancakes


It is easy to grind up quick oats into flour…  A great alternative to using regular wheat and white flour.

Why use oat flour, because it’s very easy to make at home and less expensive than store bought oat, almond, rice etc… flours.

I like my pancakes with blackberries (I keep some in the freezer) and real maple syrup…

Oat Flour Pancakes

1 cup oat flour (1&1/4 cups oats to grind)

2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons butter or oil

2/3 cup milk

1 egg

Grind oats in processor, mix in baking powder & salt, blend together.

Add milk, egg, and oil or melted butter.

Mix all ingredients well,  pour batter on hot griddle or frying pan, flip over pancakes when bubbles form on top to cook the other side.

Serve with syrup, butter, honey, jam, jelly, your choice.