Easy Lekvar Prune Filling

 My easy version of Prune Butter/Filling, I don’t add any sugar to this recipe. I think the prunes are sweet enough. I use it for baking cookies, tarts, or spread it just on toast. I usually make a batch around the holidays to make tarts or fold over cookies, Kolacky/Kolaczki. If I make some this year I will add a post with the cookies.

Easy Lekvar Prune Filling

  • 1 bag pitted prunes, I used a 9 ounce bag
  • Small sauce pot with lid
  • Water, just enough to cover prunes in the pot
  • Potato Masher
  • Note: If you don’t think it will be sweet enough, to your taste, stir in 1/4 cup of sugar, or more, at the beginning of cooking the prunes.

Turn burner on stove to low, add prunes to pot and just cover prunes with water

Place lid on pot let simmer for about an hour

Prunes should be nice and soft now, turn off burner and put lid back on pot

When cooled down mash with a potato masher.  If you like smoother filling, let cool and blend in a food processor.

Store in a container in the refrigerator and use when needed for cookies, pastry, or just spread on toast.