Easy No Bake Chocolate Silk Cheesecake

 Easy No Bake small 6 inch Chocolate Silk Cheesecake with Peanut Butter Cookie Crust and Crumbled Cookie Topping. I used cookies leftover from Christmas for the crust and topping.

No Bake Chocolate Silk Cheesecake


1 cup heavy whipping cream

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/2 cup powdered sugar

1 – 8 ounce block cream cheese, room temperature


4 or 5 cookies crushed, I used peanut butter cookies.

2 Tablespoons melted butter

In a small 6 inch springform pan add crushed cookies and pour melted butter over crumbs, stir to mix in butter.

Press the crumbs evenly on bottom to form crust, set aside.

In a mixing bowl warm whipping cream in microwave about 30-40 seconds.

Add chocolate chips stir until melted, if needed put back in microwave to heat a few seconds to finish melting chocolate.

Add powdered sugar, beat on low with hand mixer, switch to medium and beat about 30 seconds.

Add the room temperature cream cheese, beat on low to mix in, then switch to high to whip everything together.

With a rubber spatula put filling in pan over cookie crust, bang pan on counter to even the batter in pan.

Crumbled a cookie on top, I used chocolate chip cookie on top, refrigerate for a couple of hours.

When completely cold, run a knife around edges, release and take off springform, 
cut and serve. Serves 4-6