Almond Pastry Tarts


Almond Pastry Tarts

1 cup flour, regular flour or gluten free (I used Bob’s Red Mill gluten free 1 to 1 baking flour)

1 stick butter, room temperature

4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature

1/2 can almond pastry filling, (I used Solo)


Cream together butter and cream cheese, mix until completely blended.

Add half of the flour stir to blend then add other half of flour, stir to completely mix together.

Preheat oven @ 350° , Spray a mini muffin pan with cooking spray.

Roll dough into small balls and place one in each mini muffin pan holes.

With your thumb press down gently to make a little pastry shell out of the dough ball.

With a small spoon put about a half of spoon of the almond filling in each shell, about half full. (Don’t fill it to full or they might run over in the oven, then you will cry because you will have a mess to clean, plus you won’t have any pretty cookies to serve!).

I added an almond sliver on top of each one, to make them look nicer.

Bake @ 350° for about 15 minutes. When pastry is golden. It might take a little less, it depends on your oven.

Let sit for a couple minutes before taking out of pan, they will still be hot be careful, you can use the tip of a small knife to lift out if you need to. then transfer to a cooling rack.

Makes about 2 dozen Almond Tarts.



What to do with the rest of Almond Filling? You can always make a double batch of tarts or try a different recipe. I will post the other recipe that I think I’m going to make.

This pastry dough recipe can be used to make other flavors of tarts. Solo has other pastry fillings out there, it depends on where you live. Apricot, Raspberry, Cherry, I am pretty sure there are other brands to choose from.

You can try jam, but it’s a different consistency and it tends to boil over easy when in the oven. If you try jam use sparingly.